Class MainMenuGrid

public class MainMenuGrid extends MenuGrid
This class realizes the Main Menu displaying a list of MenuItems.
  • Constructor Details

    • MainMenuGrid

      public MainMenuGrid(IScene scene, String text, int colCount)
      Create a new MainMenuGrid.
      scene - the scene
      text - the text (name)
      colCount - the amount of columns
  • Method Details

    • logicLoop

      public void logicLoop()
      Description copied from class: GuiElement

      Template method that will be called periodically after being added to a IScene.

      Should be overwritten in sub classes for implementing custom logic, physics emulation, time-based actions, ...

      logicLoop in class GuiElement
    • internalRender

      protected void internalRender(GameGrid f)
      Description copied from class: GuiElement

      Template method that will be called periodically after being added to a IScene. Must be as performant as possible to keep the FPS low, since it will be called in every render-loop.

      Should be overwritten in sub classes for custom visualization using the GameGrid.

      internalRender in class SubMenu
      f - the GameGrid that represents the games field and supplies primitive drawing operations.