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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


ABOUT - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The about text.
ABOUT_TEXT - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The text options for GameConf.ABOUT.
abs() - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Apply Math.abs(float) to x and y component and create new vector.
AbstractImage - Class in rekit.primitives.image
This class represents an abstract version of an Image.
AbstractImage(int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.image.AbstractImage
Create an Abstract Image.
accept(I) - Method in interface
accept(MenuItem) - Method in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuDirection
add(Vec) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Adds another vector to this vector and returns a new Vector.
add(RGBAColor) - Method in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
add(T) - Method in interface rekit.primitives.operable.Operable
Apply summand.
addArcadeLevel(InputStream, boolean) - Static method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelManager
Add a level by structure-file.
addDamage(int) - Method in interface rekit.logic.Collidable
Optional reaction to a collision.
addDamage(int) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Entity
addDamage(int) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
addDamage(int) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.BackgroundElement
addGameElement(GameElement) - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Adds a GameElement to the Model.
addGameElement(GameElement) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
Adds a GameElement to the Model.
addGuiElement(GuiElement) - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Adds a GuiElement to the GameModel.
addGuiElement(GuiElement) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
Adds a GuiElement to the GameModel.
addItem(MenuItem, MenuItem...) - Method in class
Add an Item.
addLayer(ParallaxLayer) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxContainer
addLevel(LevelDefinition, boolean) - Static method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelManager
Add a level to the manager.
addPoints(int) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
Adds points to the Players score.
addRelPt(Vec) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Polygon
Add a new relative point.
addX(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Adds a given number to the x-component and returns a new Vector.
addY(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Adds a given number to the y-component and returns a new Vector.
afterVisit() - Static method in class rekit.config.GameConf
Set values which cannot be loaded by Parsers.
ALIAS - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.parser.TokenType
An Alias.
ALL_FILTERS - Static variable in interface rekit.logic.filters.Filter
All filters which was found at init time.
alpha - Variable in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
The alpha channel.
amountMax - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
The maximum amount of particles.
amountMin - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
The minimum amount of particles.
amountOfStructures() - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Get the amount of structures.
angle - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
The angle of the particle.
apply(I) - Method in interface
apply(I1, I2) - Method in interface
apply(AbstractImage) - Method in interface rekit.logic.filters.Filter
Apply Filter.
apply(AbstractImage) - Method in class rekit.logic.filters.GrayScaleMode
apply(RGBAColor) - Method in interface rekit.logic.filters.Filter
Apply Filter.
apply(RGBAColor) - Method in class rekit.logic.filters.GrayScaleMode
apply(RGBAColor) - Method in class rekit.logic.filters.InvertedMode
apply(RGBAColor) - Method in class rekit.logic.filters.RandomMode
applyAlias(String) - Method in class rekit.logic.level.BossStructure
applyAlias(String) - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Structure
Get alias.
applyToGameElements(Consumer<GameElement>) - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Apply function on all game elements.
applyToGameElements(Consumer<GameElement>) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
applyToGuiElements(Consumer<GuiElement>) - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Apply function on game elements.
applyToGuiElements(Consumer<GuiElement>) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
applyToNonNeutralGameElements(Consumer<GameElement>) - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Apply function on game elements (non-neutral).
applyToNonNeutralGameElements(Consumer<GameElement>) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
Arcade - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.LevelType
Arcade level.
ARCADE - Enum constant in enum class rekit.logic.scene.Scenes
An arcade level.
ArcadeLevelItem - Class in
This class realizes a MenuItem with contains an arcade level (switch to).
ArcadeLevelItem(IScene, Vec, String, List<String>, String, GameModel) - Constructor for class
Create MenuActionItem.
ARROW_DOWN - Static variable in interface rekit.gui.InputHelper
Key ID ArrowUp.
ARROW_LEFT - Static variable in interface rekit.gui.InputHelper
Key ID Arrow Left.
ARROW_RIGHT - Static variable in interface rekit.gui.InputHelper
Key ID Arrow Right.
ARROW_UP - Static variable in interface rekit.gui.InputHelper
Key ID ArrowUp.
atEnd(DataKeySetter) - Static method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.DataKey
Invoke after a level has ended.
attachMe(InputHelper) - Method in interface rekit.gui.View
Attach a InputHelper.
attack(boolean) - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Will invoked if user wants to attack something.
attack(boolean) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
AttackCommand - Class in rekit.gui.controller.commands
This Command will pass the users attack indicator into the current IScene.
AttackCommand(CommandSupervisor) - Constructor for class rekit.gui.controller.commands.AttackCommand
Create the command by its supervisor.
AUTO_COIN_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.SettingKey
Indicates whether coins shall automatically spawn (id=autoCoinSpawn).
autoCoinSpawn - Variable in class rekit.logic.level.Structure
Whether to spawn Coins on empty positions or not.


BACK - Enum constant in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuDirection
BACKGROUND - Enum constant in enum class rekit.core.Team
A background object.
BackgroundElement - Class in rekit.logic.gui
The standard background of the Game.
BackgroundElement - Class in rekit.logic.gui.parallax
This is the parent class which all background elements shall extend.
BackgroundElement(ParallaxLayer, Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.BackgroundElement
Create a BG-Element by parent and pos.
BackgroundElement(IScene, String) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.BackgroundElement
Create the background by scene and image.
backgroundZ - Variable in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.BackgroundElement
The z-pos of this element.
BASE - Static variable in class rekit.persistence.DirFileDefinitions
The base directory for all stored files of the program.
BEGIN - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.parser.TokenType
Begin of an Level or an LevelLine (equals "{").
BiFunctionWithException<I1,I2,O> - Interface in
Same as BiFunction but with Exception.
blue - Variable in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
The blue channel.
BoolSetting - Class in
This class defines a menu to modify setting (boolean) of GameConf.
BoolSetting(IScene, String, String) - Constructor for class
Create entry.
Boss - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.type
This class shall be extended in case of creating Bosses.
Boss() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
Create a Boss.
Boss(Vec, Vec, Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
Create a Boss.
Boss_Rush - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.LevelType
Boss Rush Mode.
BOSS_RUSH - Enum constant in enum class rekit.logic.scene.Scenes
An boss rush level.
BOSS_SETTING - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.parser.TokenType
A setting which belongs to a boss.
bossStructure - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
The Bosses Level-Structure (BossRoom).
BossStructure - Class in rekit.logic.level
This class realizes a Structure for bosses.
BossStructure(String[][], Boss) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.level.BossStructure
Create a boss structure.
build(int) - Method in class rekit.logic.level.BossStructure
build(int) - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Structure
Adds all GameElements specified in the Structures template structureArray relative to a given x position.


calcItemPos() - Method in class
calcItemPos() - Method in class
calcItemPos() - Method in class
Calculate the new Position of each Item.
calcState(GameModel) - Method in enum class rekit.logic.Model.GameState
Calculate the real Model.GameState based on GameTime and Level data.
calcType(String) - Static method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.parser.TokenType
Calculate type.
CalcUtil - Class in rekit.util
This class contains several methods to calculate between units.
calcWithVariance(float, float) - Static method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapLayer
CAMERA_OFFSET - Static variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
The default camera offset for a player.
CameraTarget - Interface in rekit.core
This interface has to be implemented by Objects which can set or calculate the current CameraOffset.
canJump() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.EntityState
Indicates whether the entity can jump.
canJump() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.FallState
canJump() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.JumpState
canPause - Variable in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
Indicates whether pause is possible in the current state.
capColor(float) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.Particle
Caps a color to make sure it is never smaller than 0 or greater than 255.
changed() - Method in interface rekit.logic.filters.Filter
Indicates whether the internal state of the Filter has been changed.
changed() - Method in class rekit.logic.filters.RandomMode
checkCollision(GameElement) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Check for collision with another element and invoke necessary methods.
clone() - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Polygon
clone() - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
clone() - Method in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
clone() - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Coin - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.type
This class defines a simple Pickup; a Coin which will give the player points.
Coin() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Coin
Prototype Constructor.
Coin(Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Coin
Instantiate a Coin by position.
col - Variable in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
Collidable - Interface in rekit.logic
Defines the interface that every GameElement that can collide must have.
Collidable.Optional - Annotation Interface in rekit.logic
Methods which are annotated with this annotation, are optional methods for special behavior.
collidedWithSolid(Frame, Direction) - Method in interface rekit.logic.Collidable
Optional reaction to a collision that can be invoked in other GameElements reactToCollision().
collidedWithSolid(Frame, Direction) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Entity
This implementation will ensure that no entity is able to fall through the ground or into another Object.
collidedWithSolid(Frame, Direction) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
collidedWithSolid(Frame, Direction) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.StateEntity
collidedWithSolid(Frame, Direction) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.Inanimate
collidedWithSolid(Frame, Direction) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.BackgroundElement
color - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.Inanimate
The color.
colorA - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
Alpha Channel.
colorB - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
Blue Channel.
colorG - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
Green Channel.
colorR - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
Red Channel.
Command - Interface in rekit.gui.controller.commands
This interface defines a command for a Controller.
CommandSupervisor - Interface in rekit.gui.controller.commands
This interface defines methods to get info from a Model and will be used by EntityCommands.
compareTo(Level) - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
compareTo(LevelDefinition) - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
CONFIG_DIR - Static variable in class rekit.persistence.DirFileDefinitions
The directory which contains all config files.
ConsumerWithException<I> - Interface in
Same as Consumer but with Exception.
CONTINUOUS_ATTACK - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
Indicates whether user attacks shall handled as continuous events or a single event.
Controller - Interface in rekit.gui.controller
This Interface defines the Controller for the MVC.
create() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.DamageParticle
create() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.Particle
Create a particle.
create() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.TextParticle
create(HeapLayer, Vec, Vec, RGBAColor) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
create(HeapLayer, Vec, Vec, RGBAColor) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementCloud
create(HeapLayer, Vec, Vec, RGBAColor) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
create(Vec, String...) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups.DefaultCoin
create(Vec, String...) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups.Life
create(Vec, String...) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Stub Factory method that every GameElement must implement in order to being able to be instantiated dynamically by the level creation.
create(Vec, String...) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.EndTrigger
create(Vec, String...) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.Inanimate
create(Vec, String...) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
create(Vec, String...) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Coin
create(Vec, String...) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.DynamicInanimate
create(Vec, String...) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Enemy
create(Vec, String...) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Pickup
createGroup(Set<? extends GameElement>, String) - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElementFactory
Create a new group of Elements.
createLevel(LevelDefinition) - Static method in class rekit.logic.level.LevelFactory
Create a new Level by LevelDefinition.
createTrigger(Vec, Vec, Runnable) - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateTrigger
Utility function for easy use with lambdas.
currentCol - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.Particle
The current color.
currentlyGeneratedUntil - Variable in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxLayer
currentState - Variable in class rekit.util.state.TimeStateMachine
The State, the TimeStateMachine is currently in.


DamageParticle - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.particles
Regular Particle with the only difference, that it damages the Player upon collision.
DamageParticle() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.DamageParticle
Constructor that sets the DamageParticles Team to Team.ENEMY.
darken(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
Darken the color.
data - Variable in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelData
DataKey - Enum Class in rekit.persistence.level
This enum contains the keys for level-data which can be saved to a user-dat file.
DataKeySetter - Interface in rekit.persistence.level
This class defines the necessary methods to update the data of a level.
DEBUG - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
This boolean indicates whether the game is in debug mode.
DEBUG_TEXT_COLOR - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The game's debug text color.
DEFAULT_TEXT - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The game's text options.
DefaultCoin - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups
This class represents default coins.
DefaultCoin() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups.DefaultCoin
Prototype constructor.
DefaultCoin(Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups.DefaultCoin
Constructor with position.
DefaultState - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state
The default state a entity is in after initialization.
DefaultState(StateEntity) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.DefaultState
Create State.
deleteMe - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Flag that is used to signal if the GameElement is supposed to be deleted or not.
DELIMITER - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.parser.TokenType
Token for an delimiter of an Setting or Alias (equals "::").
deltaTime - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
The latest deltaTime in GameElement.logicLoop().
deltaTime - Variable in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
The latest deltaTime in IScene.logicLoop().
destroy() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Method that, upon call, signals that this GameElement is supposed to be deleted in the next logicLoop of the IScene.
destroy() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.EndTrigger
destroy() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
Direction - Enum Class in rekit.primitives.geometry
Representation of the 4 directions there are.
DirFileDefinitions - Class in rekit.persistence
This class contains all Directory and File constants.
DO_GAPS - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.SettingKey
Indicates whether it is allowed to create gaps (only floor) sections between different structures (id=doGaps).
down() - Method in class
This method will be invoked to indicate an DOWN request.
down() - Method in class
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuDirection
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Represents the Direction down with the Vector (0|1).
drawCircle(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a circle.
invokes GameGrid.drawCircle(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor, boolean, boolean) and set ingame and usefilter to true
drawCircle(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor, boolean, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a circle.
drawImage(Vec, Vec, String) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw an image.
drawImage(Vec, Vec, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw an image.
drawImage(Vec, Vec, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw an image.
drawLine(Vec, Vec, boolean, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a line between two given points with line width 1px in black.
drawLine(Vec, Vec, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a line between two given points with a given lineWidth in black.
drawLine(Vec, Vec, int, RGBAColor, boolean, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a line between two given points with a given lineWidth and a color.
drawPath(Vec, List<Vec>, RGBAColor, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a path.
invokes GameGrid.drawPath(Vec, List, RGBAColor, int, boolean) and set lineWidth to 1
drawPath(Vec, List<Vec>, RGBAColor, int, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a path.
drawPolygon(Polygon, RGBAColor, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a polygon.
invokes GameGrid.drawPolygon(Polygon, RGBAColor, boolean, boolean) and set usefilter to true
drawPolygon(Polygon, RGBAColor, boolean, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a polygon.
drawRectangle(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a rectangle.
invokes GameGrid.drawRectangle(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor, boolean, boolean) and set ingame and usefilter to true
drawRectangle(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor, boolean, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a rectangle.
drawRoundRectangle(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor, float, float) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a rectangle with round corners.
invokes GameGrid.drawRoundRectangle(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor, float, float, boolean, boolean) and set ingame and usefilter to true
drawRoundRectangle(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a rectangle with round corners.
drawText(Vec, String, TextOptions, boolean) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Draw a text element.
DynamicInanimate - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.type
This class is the parent class of all dynamically loaded Inanimate.
DynamicInanimate() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.DynamicInanimate
Prototype Constructor.
DynamicInanimate(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.DynamicInanimate
Create an inanimate.


EFFECT - Enum constant in enum class rekit.core.Team
An special effect.
elemColAMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemColAMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemColASigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemColASigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemColBMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemColBMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemColBSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemColBSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemColGMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemColGMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemColGSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemColGSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemColRMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemColRMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemColRSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemColRSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemHeightMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemHeightMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemHeightSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemHeightSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemNumMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemNumMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemNumSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemNumSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemWidthMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemWidthMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemWidthSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemWidthSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemXMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemXMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemXSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemXSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemYMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemYMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
elemYSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
elemYSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
end() - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
end() - Method in interface rekit.logic.Model
End the model.
end(boolean) - Method in interface rekit.logic.ILevelScene
End a level.
end(boolean) - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
This method shall be invoked when ILevelScene ends.
end(boolean) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
END - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.parser.TokenType
End of an Level or an LevelLine (equals "}").
endBattle(ILevelScene) - Method in class rekit.logic.level.BossStructure
End the battle.
endMenu - Variable in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
Menu that will be displayed when the game has ended.
EndTrigger - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate
This class represents an EndPortal.
Enemy - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.type
This class is the parent class of all Enemies in the game.
Enemy() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Enemy
Prototype Constructor.
Enemy(Vec, Vec, Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Enemy
Create an Enemy.
ENEMY - Enum constant in enum class rekit.core.Team
An enemy of the player.
enter(TimeStateMachine) - Method in class rekit.util.state.State
Method that is called by the TimeStateMachine upon entering this State.
ENTER - Static variable in interface rekit.gui.InputHelper
Key ID Enter.
entity - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.EntityState
The entity.
Entity - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.entities
This class represents one of the most important GameElement-Type:
These are the moving GameElements, which can interact between each other, so as the Player, Enemies, Pickups, etc.
Entity(Team) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Entity
Minimal Constructor by Team used for prototype constructors.
Entity(Vec, Vec, Vec, Team) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Entity
Constructor that initializes attributes and takes a start position.
EntityCommand - Class in rekit.gui.controller.commands
This class defines an Command which will be executed by a Controller and is linked to an Entity.
EntityCommand(CommandSupervisor) - Constructor for class rekit.gui.controller.commands.EntityCommand
Instantiate the Command.
entityCommandAllowed() - Method in interface rekit.gui.controller.commands.CommandSupervisor
Indicates whether commands like moving a player (no menu / basic commands) allowed.
EntityState - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state
The abstract state an entity can be in.
EntityState(StateEntity) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.EntityState
Create State.
EOS - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.parser.TokenType
End of String Token.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
equals(Object) - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
ESCAPE - Static variable in interface rekit.gui.InputHelper
Key ID Escape.
execute() - Method in interface
execute() - Method in interface
execute() - Method in class rekit.util.Once
execute(int, Runnable) - Static method in class rekit.primitives.time.Timer
This method can be used instead to execute a job after a specified time.
execute(Object...) - Method in class rekit.gui.controller.commands.AttackCommand
execute(Object...) - Method in interface rekit.gui.controller.commands.Command
Execute the command.
execute(Object...) - Method in class rekit.gui.controller.commands.EntityCommand
execute(Object...) - Method in class rekit.gui.controller.commands.FilterCommand
execute(Object...) - Method in class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuCommand
execute(InputMethod) - Method in class rekit.gui.controller.commands.JumpCommand
execute(InputMethod) - Method in class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuCommand
Execute the command.
execute(InputMethod) - Method in class rekit.gui.controller.commands.PlayPauseCommand
execute(InputMethod) - Method in class rekit.gui.controller.commands.WalkCommand


FallState - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state
The default state a entity is in after jumping.
FallState(StateEntity) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.FallState
Create State.
fieldXtoLayerX(float) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxLayer
Filter - Interface in rekit.logic.filters
This interface defines all kind of image filters for the game.
filterChanged() - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
filterChanged() - Method in interface rekit.logic.Model
Indicates whether the filter has been changed.
FilterCommand - Class in rekit.gui.controller.commands
This Command Type is used for attaching and/or detaching Filters to a View.
FilterCommand(boolean, Model, Filter) - Constructor for class rekit.gui.controller.commands.FilterCommand
Create a new FilterCommand.
finalize() - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelManager
FixedCameraTarget - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements
This class can be used for set the camera fixed (e.g.
FixedCameraTarget(float) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.FixedCameraTarget
Create by fixed camera offset.
FLOOR_BOOST - Static variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
The player's bottom boost (used when colliding from bottom).
floorCollision() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.EntityState
This method will be invoked when this entity collides with the floor.
floorCollision() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.FallState
floorCollision() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.JumpState
floorCollision() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.NotInitializedState
focus() - Method in class
This method will be invoked to indicate an focus request.
focus() - Method in class
Frame - Class in rekit.primitives.geometry
This class defines a Frame which will be used to check collisions.
Frame(Vec, Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.geometry.Frame
Create a frame by two anchors.
FunctionWithException<I,O> - Interface in
Same as Function but with Exception.


G - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
Gravitational constant g in pxPerUnit/s^2.
GAME_BACKGROUD_COLOR - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The game's background color.
GAME_LOGGER - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
GAME_TEXT_COLOR - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The game's text color.
GAME_TEXT_FONT - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The game's text font.
GAME_TEXT_SIZE - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The game's text size.
GameConf - Class in rekit.config
Configuration class that holds static options.
GameElement - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements
Abstract class that represents an Element that is a visual part of a IScene, eg.
GameElement(Team) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Prototype constructor.
GameElement(Vec, Vec, Vec, Team) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Standard constructor that should be used in every extending class.
GameElementFactory - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements
This class will be used to load and group all GameElements.
GameGrid - Class in rekit.core
This class defines all necessary methods for drawing GameElements etc.
GameGrid() - Constructor for class rekit.core.GameGrid
GameModel - Class in rekit.logic
Main class of the Model.
GameModel() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.GameModel
Get a new model.
GameTime - Class in rekit.core
This class manages the time of the game and replaces System.currentTimeMillis().
generate(int) - Method in class rekit.logic.level.StructurePart
Build Structures if it must.
generate(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElementFactory
Generate a new GameElement at position.
generate(GameElement) - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElementFactory
Generate a new GameElement.
generateDefaultCoin(int, int) - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElementFactory
Generate a DefaultCoin at position.
generateInanimate(int, int) - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElementFactory
Generate Inanimate at position.
generateUntil - Variable in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxLayer
get() - Method in interface
get() - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
get() - Method in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
get() - Method in interface rekit.primitives.operable.Operable
Always ! Enter the code: return this;
get() - Method in class rekit.util.container.ROContainer
Get the element
get() - Method in class rekit.util.container.RWContainer
Get the element
get(Class<? extends Filter>) - Static method in interface rekit.logic.filters.Filter
Search for filter instance by class.
get(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class rekit.gui.ImageManagement
Get the Image from the resources by name.
getAbsoluteArray() - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Polygon
Get the absolute positions of all points.
getAlias(String) - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Get alias by key.
getAlignment() - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Get the alignment.
getAngle() - Method in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Get the angle to a corresponding direction relative to direction up.
getAngleTo(Vec) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Get the angle to another vector.
getArcadeLevelGroups() - Static method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelManager
Get a map of arcade levels (grouped).
getAsAbstractImage(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class rekit.gui.ImageManagement
Get the AbstractImage from the resources by name.
getBorder(Direction) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Frame
Gets the component of the frames border at given direction.
getBossRushLevel() - Static method in class rekit.logic.level.LevelFactory
Create the BossRush Level (a special level with bosses).
getBossSetting(String) - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Get boss-setting by key.
getBossStructure() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
Get and set the boss structure.
getByInstance(IScene) - Static method in enum class rekit.logic.scene.Scenes
Get the corresponding instance of the scene.
getByString(String) - Static method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.SettingKey
Find SettingKey by id.
getCameraOffset() - Method in interface rekit.core.CameraTarget
Get the current camera offset.
getCameraOffset() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
getCameraOffset() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.FixedCameraTarget
Get the camera offset.
getCameraOffset() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.RangeCameraTarget
getCameraOffset() - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Get the current camera offset.
getCameraOffset() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
getClasses(String, ClassLoader, Class<T>) - Static method in class rekit.util.ReflectUtils
Get all implementations of a class by search path (-> classpath) .
getClassesAnnotated(String, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class rekit.util.ReflectUtils
Get all classes which are annotated with ...
getColor() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups.DefaultCoin
getColor() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Coin
Get the main color of the coin.
getColor() - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Get the color.
getCompare() - Static method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelData
getController(Model, View) - Static method in interface rekit.gui.controller.Controller
Get the controller.
getCurrentDirection() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
Get the current direction.
getDarkerColor() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups.DefaultCoin
getDarkerColor() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Coin
Get a darker version of the color Coin.getColor() for the edge of the coin.
getData(DataKey) - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Get the data of the level.
getDefaultVal() - Method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.DataKey
Get the default value of the DataKey.
getDefinition() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
getDefinition() - Method in interface rekit.persistence.level.DataKeySetter
Get the current level's definition.
getDeleteMe() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Getter for the flag that specifies if the GameElement is waiting for deletion.
getEndStructure() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.StructurePart
Used to hold and get the last Structure that will be the last Structure to be returned by next() before hasNext() indicates that there are no more Structures to be returned.
getEntity(Command) - Method in interface rekit.gui.controller.commands.CommandSupervisor
Get the entity the Command is assigned to.
getEntityState() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.StateEntity
Return the Entities current EntitiyState that determines its jump behavior.
getEOSToken() - Static method in class rekit.persistence.level.parser.Token
This creates an EOS token.
getFilter() - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
getFilter() - Method in interface rekit.logic.Model
Get the current filter and reset Model.filterChanged().
getFirst() - Method in class
The first value.
getFirst() - Method in class
The first value.
getFirst() - Method in class
The first value.
getFont() - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Get the font.
getFontOptions() - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Get the font-options.
getFourth() - Method in class
The fourth value.
getFrame() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Returns a Frame that represents the collision box the GameElement will be using.
getFrame() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.DamageParticle
getGameElementCount() - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Get the amount of elements in the scene.
getGameElementCount() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
getGameElementDurations() - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Get a map of duration-time of elements.
getGameElementDurations() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
getHeight() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Structure
Returns the height of this Structures template in game units.
getHeight() - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Get the height.
getHighScore() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
Get the highscore of this level.
getInfiniteLevel() - Static method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelManager
Get the infinite level.
getInitialStructure() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.StructurePart
Used to hold and get the first Structure that will always be the first Structure to be returned by next().
getLevel() - Method in interface rekit.logic.ILevelScene
Get the associated level.
getLevel() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
getLevelById(String) - Static method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelManager
Load a level by id.
getLives() - Method in interface rekit.logic.Collidable
Getter for the current lifes of the GameElement.
getLives() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Entity
getLives() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.Inanimate
getLives() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.BackgroundElement
getLOTDLevel() - Static method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelManager
Get the level-of-the-day level.
getLp() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
Get the LogicalPart of the Level.
getMenu() - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
getMenu() - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Get the associated Root-MenuItem.
getMenu() - Method in interface rekit.logic.Model
Get the Menu.
getMenu() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
getMenu(Command) - Method in interface rekit.gui.controller.commands.CommandSupervisor
Get the menu the Command is assigned to.
getModel() - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Get the model of the MVC.
getModel() - Static method in interface rekit.logic.Model
Get the model.
getModel() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
getName() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
Get the BossName.
getName() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
Get the name of the level.
getName() - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Get the name of the level.
getNewScene(GameModel, String...) - Method in enum class rekit.logic.scene.Scenes
Get a new scene of a type.
getNextAntiClockwise() - Method in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Get the next direction to a direction (anticlockwise).
getNextClockwise() - Method in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Get the next direction to a direction (clockwise).
getNextLevel() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.LogicalPart
Returns the next level iff existing.
getNextState() - Method in class rekit.util.state.State
Must supply a fully instantiated State that the parenting TimeStateMachine will enter after this State is out of time as specified in State.getTimerTime().
getNow(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.operable.OpProgress
Calculates a value between start and end in the same ratio as progress has to 0 and 1.
getNow(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.time.Progress
Calculates a value between start and end in the same ratio as progress has to 0 and 1.
getOpposite() - Method in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Get the opposite direction.
getOpposite(Direction) - Static method in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Get the opposite direction to a direction.
getOptions() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.Text
Get the text options.
getPlayer() - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
Return player.
getPlayer() - Method in interface rekit.logic.ILevelScene
Get the current player of null if none set.
getPlayer() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.LogicalPart
Get the player of the level.
getPlayer() - Method in interface rekit.logic.Model
Get the Player.
getPlayer() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
getPoints() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
Getter for the collected Points of the Player.
getPos() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Getter for the GameElements absolute position.
getPos() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
Get the current position.
getProgress() - Method in class rekit.primitives.time.Timer
Get current progress.
getPrototype() - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.EndTrigger
Get the prototype of the EndTrigger.
getPrototype() - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.Inanimate
Get the inanimate-prototype.
getPrototype() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapLayer
getPrototype(String) - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElementFactory
Get Prototype by identifier.
getPrototypes() - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
Get all instances of BossPrototypes.
getPrototypes() - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Coin
Get a set of coin prototypes.
getPrototypes() - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.DynamicInanimate
Load all dynamic inanimate-prototypes.
getPrototypes() - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Enemy
Load all Enemies.
getPrototypes() - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Pickup
Load all Pickups.
getRandom() - Static method in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Get a random Direction.
getRawData() - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Get the data of the level.
getScene() - Method in interface rekit.gui.controller.commands.CommandSupervisor
Get the current scene.
getScene() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Get the current scene.
getScene() - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
getScene() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
Get the corresponding scene.
getScene() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.LevelGuiElement
getScene() - Method in interface rekit.logic.Model
Get the current scene.
getScore() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
getScore() - Method in interface rekit.persistence.level.DataKeySetter
Get the current score of the level.
getSecond() - Method in class
The second value.
getSecond() - Method in class
The second value.
getSecond() - Method in class
The second value.
getSeed() - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Get the seed of the level.
getSetting(SettingKey) - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Get setting by key.
getSize() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Getter for the GameElements size.
getSize() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
Get the current size.
getSp() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
Get the StructurePart of the Level.
getStartPoint() - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Polygon
Get the start point of the polygon.
getStartPos() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
Get initial position of the Boss relative to the BossStructures top left corner.
getState() - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
getState() - Method in interface rekit.logic.Model
Get the current state.
getState() - Method in class rekit.util.state.TimeStateMachine
Getter for the State the TimeStateMachine is currently the in.
getStd() - Method in class rekit.core.Team.Range
Get the standard value.
getStructure(int) - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Get structure by index.
getSuccess() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
getSuccess() - Method in interface rekit.persistence.level.DataKeySetter
Get whether the game was successful.
getTeam() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Getter for the GameElements Team that mainly specifies behavior upon collision.
getTestSceneConstructor() - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
getTestSceneConstructor() - Method in interface rekit.logic.Model
Get the special testscene's constructor.
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class
Get the text of the item.
getText() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.Text
Get the text.
getThird() - Method in class
The third value.
getThird() - Method in class
The third value.
getTime() - Static method in class rekit.core.GameTime
Get the current time in the game.
getTimerTime() - Method in class rekit.util.state.State
Must supply the time in millis how long the TimeStateMachine is supposed to be in this State before switching to the next as specified in State.getNextState().
getType() - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Get the type of the level.
getType() - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.parser.Token
Get the TokenType.
getUseFilter() - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Get the usefilter-option.
getValue() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups.DefaultCoin
getValue() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Coin
Get the value of the coin.
getValue() - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.parser.Token
Get the Token Value.
getVector() - Method in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Get the vector to a corresponding direction.
getVel() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Getter for the GameElements velocity.
getView(Model) - Static method in interface rekit.gui.View
Get the view.
getWidth() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Structure
Return the width of this Structures template in game units.
getWon() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
getWon() - Method in interface rekit.persistence.level.DataKeySetter
Get whether the game was won.
getZ() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Getter for an imaginary z-position of the GameElement.
getZHint() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Get a hint (for Team.Range.normalize(int) for positioning this GameElement via GameElement.getZ().
getZHint() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.EndTrigger
getZHint() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
getZHint() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.BackgroundElement
GrayScaleMode - Class in rekit.logic.filters
This filter realizes a filter which will convert all colors to grayscale.
GrayScaleMode() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.filters.GrayScaleMode
green - Variable in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
The green channel.
GRID_H - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
Grid height.
GRID_TOLERANCE_BELOW - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
Height in units that GameElement are tolerated to fall below the screens border before they will be deleted.
GRID_W - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
Grid width.
Group - Annotation Interface in rekit.logic.gameelements.type
This annotation defines a group.
GROUP - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.SettingKey
The group of the level for arcade grouping (id=group).
GROUP_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelManager
The default group name of unknown arcade levels.
GuiElement - Class in rekit.logic.gui
In contrast to GameElements this class represents stuff like score banners, texts etc.
So everything which will not interact in the game and has to be shown is a GuiElement
GuiElement(IScene) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
Create by scene.
GuiElement(IScene, Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
Create by scene and size.


hasChildren() - Method in class
hasChildren() - Method in class
hasChildren() - Method in class
Indicates whether has children.
hasChildren() - Method in class
hasChildren() - Method in class
hasEnded() - Method in interface rekit.logic.ILevelScene
Indicates whether the level has ended.
hasEnded() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
hashCode() - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
heapDistanceMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
heapDistanceMu() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
heapDistanceSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
heapDistanceSigma() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
HeapElement - Class in rekit.logic.gui.parallax
This class shall be extended by each heap element.
HeapElement(HeapLayer, Vec, Vec, RGBAColor) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
HeapElementCloud - Class in rekit.logic.gui.parallax
HeapElementCloud(HeapLayer, Vec, Vec, RGBAColor) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementCloud
HeapElementMountain - Class in rekit.logic.gui.parallax
HeapElementMountain(HeapLayer, Vec, Vec, RGBAColor) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
HeapLayer - Class in rekit.logic.gui.parallax
HeapLayer(HeapElement, float) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapLayer
height - Variable in class rekit.primitives.image.AbstractImage
The height.
HIGH_SCORE - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.DataKey
The highscore of a level.
highscore - Variable in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelData
HINT_TEXT - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The game's text options (hints).


ILevelScene - Interface in rekit.logic
This interface extends IScene and adds necessary methods to encapsulate Levels.
ImageManagement - Class in rekit.gui
This class helps to load images from the resources.
Inanimate - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate
This is the default implementation of an inanimate in the game.
Inanimate(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.Inanimate
Create an inanimate.
Inanimate(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor, Team) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.Inanimate
Create an inanimate.
INANIMATE - Enum constant in enum class rekit.core.Team
An inanimate.
InanimateBox - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate
This is the default implementation of an inanimate in the game (no ground).
InanimateBox(Vec, Vec, RGBAColor) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateBox
Create an InanimateBox.
InanimateDoor - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate
This is the default implementation of an inanimate door in the game.
InanimateDoor(Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateDoor
Create a new door.
InanimateFloor - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate
The standard Inanimate that will be used for the lowest height in the level.
InanimateFloor(Vec, Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateFloor
Standard constructor that requires position and size of the InanimateFloor.
InanimateTrigger - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate
This is the default implementation of an inanimate trigger in the game.
InanimateTrigger(Vec, Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateTrigger
Create the trigger.
index - Variable in class
The current index.
INFINITE - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.SettingKey
Indicates whether the level is infinite (does not end) (id=infinite).
Infinite_Fun - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.LevelType
Infinite level.
INFINITE_FUN - Enum constant in enum class rekit.logic.scene.Scenes
An infinite level.
INGAME - Enum constant in enum class rekit.logic.Model.GameState
This state indicates that currently a level is shown by the game.
INGAME_END - Enum constant in enum class rekit.logic.Model.GameState
This state indicates that currently a level is show by the game and it has ended.
INGAME_PAUSED - Enum constant in enum class rekit.logic.Model.GameState
This state indicates that currently a level is shown by the game and it is paused.
init() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
init() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
(Re-)Initialize the GameElement.
init() - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Initialize the scene.
init() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
init() - Static method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelManager
Load levels.
initialize() - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElementFactory
Initialize GameElementFactory.
initialize(View) - Method in interface rekit.gui.InputHelper
Initialize the InputHelper.
inMenu - Variable in class
This bool indicates whether this Menu (false) or its Items (true) shall be rendered.
innerLogicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Entity
This method will calculate the next position of the Entity depending on the velocity.
innerLogicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.StateEntity
This method will calculate the next position of the Entity depending on the velocity.
innerLogicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
innerLogicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Coin
innerLogicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Pickup
innerLogicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
This method will be invoked in IScene.logicLoop().
InputHelper - Interface in rekit.gui
This interface establishes a Listener to Components of the View.
InputMethod - Enum Class in rekit.gui.controller.commands
This enum is used to indicate a press or release state of a key.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class rekit.logic.filters.RandomMode
The one and only instance of RandomMode.
internalLogicLoop() - Method in class rekit.util.state.State
Method that may or may not be implemented by a concrete state to perform periodic actions
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups.Life
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Template method that will be called periodically after being added to a IScene.
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.EndTrigger
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.Inanimate
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateBox
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateDoor
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateFloor
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateTrigger
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.Particle
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.TextParticle
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Coin
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.BackgroundElement
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
Template method that will be called periodically after being added to a IScene.
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.LifeGui
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElement
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementCloud
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapElementMountain
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.ScoreGui
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.Text
internalRender(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.TimeDecorator
intersects(Frame) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Frame
Check whether this frame collides with another.
intersects(Vec) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Frame
Check whether this frame collides with another object.
InvertedMode - Class in rekit.logic.filters
This filter realizes a filter which will invert all colors.
InvertedMode() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.filters.InvertedMode
invincibility - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Entity
This Timer defines invincibility of an Entity.
invoke(ConsumerWithException<I>, I) - Static method in class rekit.util.LambdaUtil
invoke(FunctionWithException<I, O>, I) - Static method in class rekit.util.LambdaUtil
invoke(SupplierWithException<O>) - Static method in class rekit.util.LambdaUtil
invoke(VoidFunctionWithException) - Static method in class rekit.util.LambdaUtil
isAddableToGroup() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
This method indicates whether this entity can be added to it's group.
isApplyImage() - Method in interface rekit.logic.filters.Filter
This boolean indicates whether this filter can be applied pixel per pixel (slow).
isApplyImage() - Method in class rekit.logic.filters.GrayScaleMode
isApplyImage() - Method in class rekit.logic.filters.InvertedMode
isApplyImage() - Method in class rekit.logic.filters.RandomMode
isApplyPixel() - Method in interface rekit.logic.filters.Filter
This boolean indicates whether this filter can be applied pixel per pixel (fast).
isApplyPixel() - Method in class rekit.logic.filters.GrayScaleMode
isApplyPixel() - Method in class rekit.logic.filters.InvertedMode
isApplyPixel() - Method in class rekit.logic.filters.RandomMode
IScene - Interface in rekit.logic
This is the public interface of all Scenes.
isHarmless - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
This boolean indicates whether the boss is harmless.
isHostile(Team) - Method in enum class rekit.core.Team
Check whether team t is a hostile of this team.
isInfinite() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
Indicates whether the level is infinite.
isLevelScene() - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
This method indicates whether the scene encapsulates a level.
isLevelScene() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
isMenu() - Method in enum class rekit.logic.scene.Scenes
Indicates whether this scene is a menu.
isNeutral() - Method in enum class rekit.core.Team
Is this the Team neutral (no interactions possible).
isOffsetWildCard() - Method in interface rekit.logic.ILevelScene
This method indicates whether the offset is set to wildcard (any position is allowed / no elements will be deleted (because of their position))
isOffsetWildCard() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
isPaused() - Static method in class rekit.core.GameTime
Indicates whether the time has been stopped.
isPaused() - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Indicates whether the scene is paused.
isPaused() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
isRunning() - Static method in class rekit.core.ShutdownManager
isSelectable() - Method in class
isSelectable() - Method in class
Indicates whether the item is selectable.
isSelectable() - Method in class
isSettingSet(SettingKey) - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Check whether a setting is set (== if setting is "true" or "false", return whether it is "true", otherwise return true if setting is set to a value)
isStatic() - Method in class rekit.primitives.time.Progress
Returns true if start = end, which means there are no calculations required in getNow(float progress).
isVisible() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Entity
isVisible() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Returns if the GameElement is currently supposed to be rendered or not.
isVisible() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
Get the current visibility.
itemSize - Variable in class
The size of the items.


JUMP_BOOST - Static variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
The player's jump boost.
JUMP_TIME - Static variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
The player's maximum jump time in millis.
JumpCommand - Class in rekit.gui.controller.commands
This EntityCommand will cause a Jump of an Entity.
JumpCommand(CommandSupervisor) - Constructor for class rekit.gui.controller.commands.JumpCommand
Create the Command.
JumpState - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state
The jumping state a entity is in upon jumping until landing Represents the state where a player can not jump anymore.
JumpState(StateEntity) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.JumpState
Create State.


KILL_BOOST - Static variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
The player's boost upon jumping on an enemy.
killBoost() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
killBoost() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Behavior after this GameElement hit an enemy


LambdaConvert - Class in
A converter class to convert Functions/Consumers ..
LambdaUtil - Class in rekit.util
This class contains several methods to work with Lambdas.
leave() - Method in class rekit.util.state.State
Method that is called by the TimeStateMachine upon leaving this State.
left() - Method in class
left() - Method in class
This method will be invoked to indicate an LEFT request.
left() - Method in class
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuDirection
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Represents the Direction left with the Vector (-1|0).
Level - Class in rekit.logic.level
This class represents a Level for a ILevelScene with its StructurePart and LogicalPart.
LEVEL_DIR - Static variable in class rekit.persistence.DirFileDefinitions
The directory which contains all custom levels.
Level_of_the_Day - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.LevelType
Level of the day.
LevelData - Class in rekit.persistence.level
LevelData(String, Integer, String) - Constructor for class rekit.persistence.level.LevelData
LevelDefinition - Class in rekit.persistence.level
This class holds all necessary information about a level.
LevelDefinition(InputStream, LevelType) - Constructor for class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Create a new LevelDefinition by data and type.
LevelDefinition(InputStream, LevelType, long) - Constructor for class rekit.persistence.level.LevelDefinition
Create a new LevelDefinition by data and type and rnd seed.
LevelFactory - Class in rekit.logic.level
Factory class which creates all Levels.
LevelGuiElement - Class in rekit.logic.gui
This class represents a GuiElement attached to a ILevelScene.
LevelGuiElement(ILevelScene) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.LevelGuiElement
Create LevelGuiElement by ILevelScene.
levelId - Variable in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelData
LevelManager - Class in rekit.persistence.level
This class manages all Level depended stuff as defined in DataKey.
levelName - Variable in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelData
LevelParser - Class in rekit.persistence.level
This class shall be implemented from all classes which want to parse a LevelDefinition.
LevelScene - Class in rekit.logic.scene
Scene that holds a playable Level created by a LevelCreator.
LevelScene(GameModel, Level) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
Create a new LevelScene.
levelType - Variable in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelData
LevelType - Enum Class in rekit.persistence.level
The type of a level.
Life - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups
This class defines a simple Pickup; a Life which will give the player lives.
Life() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups.Life
Prototype Constructor.
Life(Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups.Life
Instantiate a Life by start position.
LifeGui - Class in rekit.logic.gui
This GuiElement realizes a status view of the Player's Lives.
LifeGui(ILevelScene) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.LifeGui
Create the status view for lives.
lives - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Entity
The amount of lives the Entity has.
LIVES - Static variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
The player's default amount of lives.
loadInstances(String, ClassLoader, Class<T>) - Static method in class rekit.util.ReflectUtils
Load all implementations that shall be loaded (see ReflectUtils.LoadMe) of a class by search path (-> classpath).
LOD - Enum constant in enum class rekit.logic.scene.Scenes
A level of the day.
LOGIC_DELTA - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
Time in milliseconds to wait after each logicLoop, that simulates physics changes positions, detects collisions, ...
LogicalPart - Class in rekit.logic.level
The logical part of a Level.
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Entity
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.EntityState
Logic loop of state.
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.JumpState
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.NotInitializedState
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Template method that will be called periodically after being added to a IScene.
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.EndTrigger
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.Particle
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
Template method that will be called periodically after being added to a IScene.
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.LifeGui
logicLoop() - Method in class
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.ScoreGui
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.TimeDecorator
logicLoop() - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Invoke logic.
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.primitives.time.Timer
This method shall be invoked by the logic every GameConf.LOGIC_DELTA ms.
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.util.state.State
Method that is periodically called by the TimeStateMachine.
logicLoop() - Method in class rekit.util.state.TimeStateMachine
Method that must be periodically called in order to check for the States time to be up.
logicLoop(float) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.HeapLayer
logicLoop(float) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxContainer
logicLoop(float) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxLayer
logicLoop(float) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.TriangulationLayer
logicLoopAfter() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
logicLoopGameElement(GameElement) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
Invoke GameElement.logicLoop() for all game elements.
logicLoopPre() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene


main(String[]) - Static method in class rekit.Main
Launches the application by starting the game.
Main - Class in rekit
Game class that instantiates all necessary classes that are required for a game.
MAIN_MENU - Enum constant in enum class rekit.logic.scene.Scenes
The Main Menu.
MainMenuGrid - Class in
This class realizes the Main Menu displaying a list of MenuItems.
MainMenuGrid(IScene, String, int) - Constructor for class
Create a new MainMenuGrid.
MAPPING - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.parser.TokenType
markForRemove(GameElement) - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Removes a GameElement from the Model The elements will not directly be removed from the internal data structure to prevent concurrency errors.
markForRemove(GameElement) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
Removes a GameElement from the Model The elements will not directly be removed from the internal data structure to prevent concurrency errors.
max - Variable in class rekit.core.Team.Range
The most in-front-of z-layer.
MENU - Enum constant in enum class rekit.logic.Model.GameState
This state indicates that currently a menu is shown by the game.
MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The menu's background color.
MENU_BOX_COLOR - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The menu's box color (default).
MENU_BOX_OPTION_COLOR - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The menu's box color (option).
MENU_BOX_SELECT_COLOR - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The menu's box color (selected).
MENU_TEXT - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The game's text options (menu).
MENU_TEXT_COLOR - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The menu's text color.
MENU_TEXT_FONT - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The menu's text font.
MENU_TEXT_SIZE - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The menu's text size.
MenuActionItem - Class in
This class realizes a MenuItem with an attached Action.
MenuActionItem(IScene, String, VoidFunction) - Constructor for class
Create MenuActionItem.
MenuActionItem(IScene, Vec, String, VoidFunction) - Constructor for class
Create MenuActionItem.
MenuCommand - Class in rekit.gui.controller.commands
This class is used for the MenuGameState.
MenuCommand(CommandSupervisor, MenuDirection) - Constructor for class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuCommand
Instantiate the MenuCommand.
MenuDirection - Enum Class in rekit.gui.controller.commands
The enum defines the different directions of KeyPress in a Menu Context.
menuDown() - Method in class
menuDown() - Method in class
menuDown() - Method in class
Process down while this menu is selected.
MenuGrid - Class in
This class realizes a MenuList.
MenuGrid(IScene, String, int) - Constructor for class
Create a MenuGrid.
MenuGrid(IScene, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Create a MenuGrid.
MenuItem - Class in
This class realizes an Item of a menu.
MenuItem(IScene, String) - Constructor for class
Create an Item.
MenuItem(IScene, String, Vec) - Constructor for class
Create an Item.
menuItems - Variable in class
The contained Items.
menuLeft() - Method in class
menuLeft() - Method in class
Process left while this menu is selected.
MenuList - Class in
This class realizes a Menu displaying a list of MenuItems.
MenuList(IScene, String) - Constructor for class
Create a MenuList.
menuRight() - Method in class
menuRight() - Method in class
Process right while this menu is selected.
menuUp() - Method in class
menuUp() - Method in class
menuUp() - Method in class
Process up while this menu is selected.
min - Variable in class rekit.core.Team.Range
The most behind z-layer.
Model - Interface in rekit.logic
This Interface defines the Model for the MVC.
Model.GameState - Enum Class in rekit.logic
This enum defines the different states of the game.
ModManager - Class in rekit.persistence
This class handles the loading of additional Jars / Mods.
MODS_DIR - Static variable in class rekit.persistence.DirFileDefinitions
The directory which contains all mods / addons.
moveTo(Vec) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Polygon
Move a polygon to target location.
multiply(Vec) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Multiplies the vectors x-component and its y-component with the x-component and y-component of another Vector and returns a new Vector.
multiply(RGBAColor) - Method in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
multiply(T) - Method in interface rekit.primitives.operable.Operable
Apply multiplicand.


NAME - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.SettingKey
The name of the level (id=name).
NAME - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The Name of the Game.
next() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.StructurePart
Get next structure.
nextState() - Method in class rekit.util.state.TimeStateMachine
Switches the State to the next as specified by State.getNextState().
nextState(State) - Method in class rekit.util.state.TimeStateMachine
More specific version of TimeStateMachine.nextState() that enables for switching to a given State that must not necessarily be specified by the current States State.getNextState() or that can be used to alter the States before entering them..
nextToken() - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.parser.Tokenizer
Get the next token.
NIL - Static variable in class
This handler will do nothing.
norm() - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Calculate the 2-norm of this vector.
normalize(int) - Method in class rekit.core.Team.Range
Normalize to Team.Range.
NotInitializedState - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state
This state is used for all prototypes of Entity.
This state will print to the syserr that the wrong constructor Entity(Team team) was used to create this element
NotInitializedState(StateEntity) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state.NotInitializedState
Create the State.


Observer - Interface in rekit.gui.controller
This interface represents a Observer of the Observer Pattern.
of(A, B) - Static method in class
of(A, B, C) - Static method in class
of(A, B, C, D) - Static method in class
of(Tuple3<W, X, Y>, Z) - Static method in class
Create a Tuple4 by Tuple3
offset(long) - Method in class rekit.primitives.time.Timer
Subtract an offset at beginning.
Once - Class in rekit.util
This class realized a VoidFunctionWithException which can executed once.
Once(VoidFunctionWithException) - Constructor for class rekit.util.Once
Create a Once-Object.
Operable<T extends Operable<T>> - Interface in rekit.primitives.operable
This interface defines the kind of Objects a OpProgress will handle.
OpProgress<T extends Operable<T>> - Class in rekit.primitives.operable
Dynamically scale (linear) an Operable.
OpProgress(Operable<T>, Operable<T>) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.operable.OpProgress
Constructor that takes the start and end value for calculating values in between relative to a progress between 0 and 1. - package - package


parallax - Variable in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
The ParallaxContainer for the background.
ParallaxContainer - Class in rekit.logic.gui.parallax
ParallaxContainer(IScene) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxContainer
ParallaxLayer - Class in rekit.logic.gui.parallax
ParallaxLayer(float) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxLayer
parent - Variable in class
The parent of the Item or null if none exist.
parent - Variable in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.BackgroundElement
The parent parallax.
parent - Variable in class rekit.util.state.State
A reference to the parenting TimeStateMachine that is used to switch States.
parse(LevelDefinition) - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelParser
Parse the level to the LevelDefinitionImpl.
parseIt(String, String[]) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawnerOptionParser
parseIt(String, String[]) - Method in class rekit.parser.ProgressParser
parseIt(String, String[]) - Method in class rekit.parser.RGBAColorParser
parseIt(String, String[]) - Method in class rekit.parser.VecParser
parseLevel(String, LevelDefinition) - Static method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelParser
Parse a level.
Particle - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.particles
A simple GameElement with no collision and only with graphical effects.
Particle() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.Particle
Create a particle.
particlePrototype - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
The particle prototype.
ParticleSpawner - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.particles
This class will be used to manage the spawning of particles.
You have to set the parameters of the particles by the public Fields of your ParticleSpawner Object
ParticleSpawner() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
Create a new particle spawner with its default values.
ParticleSpawner(Particle) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
Create a new ParticleSpawner by prototype.
ParticleSpawnerOption - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.particles
Represents an option for a ProgressDependency.
ParticleSpawnerOption(float) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawnerOption
Short-hand constructor that takes argument value and uses it as the start value and sets delta to 0 for no randomized variation and no change of the ProgressDependencies value.
ParticleSpawnerOption(float, float) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawnerOption
Short-hand constructor that takes arguments start and delta values for no randomized variation.
ParticleSpawnerOption(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawnerOption
Constructor that takes arguments for lower and upper start and delta values for full randomized variation.
ParticleSpawnerOptionParser - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.particles
This class realize a parser for a ParticleSpawnerOption.
ParticleSpawnerOptionParser() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawnerOptionParser
pause() - Static method in class rekit.core.GameTime
Pause the game.
pauseMenu - Variable in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
Menu than will be displayed when the game is paused.
perform() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.EndTrigger
perform() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateTrigger
Perform trigger-action.
perform(GameElement) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups.Life
perform(GameElement) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Coin
perform(GameElement) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Pickup
Template method that should be overwritten in concrete Pickups to add the action that is performed upon being collected by the Player.
performEndTasks(boolean) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
Perform tasks on the end of the game (level).
perspectiveZ - Variable in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxLayer
Pickup - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.type
This class is the parent class of all Pickups in the game.
Pickup() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Pickup
Prototype constructor.
Pickup(Vec, Vec, Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Pickup
Create a pickup.
PICKUP - Enum constant in enum class rekit.core.Team
A pickup.
PIXEL_H - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
Height of the window.
Calculated by GameConf.GRID_H * GameConf.PX_PER_UNIT.
PIXEL_W - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
Width of the window.
Calculated by GameConf.GRID_W * GameConf.PX_PER_UNIT.
pixels - Variable in class rekit.primitives.image.AbstractImage
This array contains the RGBA values of the image in this order R->G->B->A.
Player - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.entities
The (maybe) most important Entity of the Game:
The Player (most likely you).
Player(Vec) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
Create a player by start position.
PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class rekit.core.Team
The player itself.
PlayPauseCommand - Class in rekit.gui.controller.commands
This class will be used while ingame to toggle pause.
PlayPauseCommand(CommandSupervisor) - Constructor for class rekit.gui.controller.commands.PlayPauseCommand
Create the command.
polygon - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
The current polygon.
Polygon - Class in rekit.primitives.geometry
This class defines a polygon.
Polygon(Vec, Vec[]) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.geometry.Polygon
Create the polygon by start position and other points.
pos - Variable in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
The current position.
press(int) - Method in interface rekit.gui.InputHelper
This method will invoked when a key is pressed.
PRESS - Enum constant in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.InputMethod
Key Pressed.
PRNG - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The GameWide randomness source.
Progress - Class in rekit.primitives.time
Data class that holds an start and an end float.
Progress(float, float) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.time.Progress
Constructor that takes the start and end value for calculating values in between relative to a progress between 0 and 1.
ProgressParser - Class in rekit.parser
This Parser is used for parsing Progress objects.
ProgressParser() - Constructor for class rekit.parser.ProgressParser
PX_PER_UNIT - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
Size of one in-game unit in pixels.


random - Variable in class rekit.logic.level.StructurePart
randomize() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawnerOption
Returns a randomized ProgressDependency with start and end values randomly generated according to specified options (startMin, startMax, deltaMin, deltaMax).
randomize(double, double) - Static method in class rekit.util.CalcUtil
Randomize a value.
randomize(float, float) - Static method in class rekit.util.CalcUtil
Randomize a value.
RandomMode - Class in rekit.logic.filters
This filter realizes a filter which will map a color to a random color.
RangeCameraTarget - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements
This class can be used for set the range camera target (e.g.
RangeCameraTarget(float, float, CameraTarget) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.RangeCameraTarget
Create by range and hint target.
RAW - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.parser.TokenType
Token for RAW content.
reactToCollision(GameElement, Direction) - Method in interface rekit.logic.Collidable
Notification that this GameElement has been collided with from another GameElement element from the given direction dir.
reactToCollision(GameElement, Direction) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
reactToCollision(GameElement, Direction) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.Inanimate
reactToCollision(GameElement, Direction) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateFloor
reactToCollision(GameElement, Direction) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateTrigger
reactToCollision(GameElement, Direction) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.DamageParticle
reactToCollision(GameElement, Direction) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Pickup
recursiveTriangulation(List<TriangulationLayer.Triangle>, int, TriangulationLayer.Triangle) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.TriangulationLayer
red - Variable in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
The red channel.
ReflectUtils - Class in rekit.util
This class contains several methods for using Java Reflections in a proper way.
ReflectUtils.LoadMe - Annotation Interface in rekit.util
This annotation has to be applied to Classes which shall be loaded as implementation of a specific class and shall be instantiated.
If a class wants to be loaded, the class needs a default constructor
registerObserver(VoidFunctionWithException) - Static method in class rekit.core.ShutdownManager
registerTestScene(Function<GameModel, ILevelScene>) - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
registerTestScene(Function<GameModel, ILevelScene>) - Method in interface rekit.logic.Model
Register a special testscene for debugging.
rekit - package rekit
rekit.config - package rekit.config
rekit.core - package rekit.core
rekit.gui - package rekit.gui
rekit.gui.controller - package rekit.gui.controller
rekit.gui.controller.commands - package rekit.gui.controller.commands
rekit.logic - package rekit.logic
rekit.logic.filters - package rekit.logic.filters
rekit.logic.gameelements - package rekit.logic.gameelements
rekit.logic.gameelements.entities - package rekit.logic.gameelements.entities
rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups - package rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.pickups
rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state - package rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.state
rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate - package rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate
rekit.logic.gameelements.particles - package rekit.logic.gameelements.particles
rekit.logic.gameelements.type - package rekit.logic.gameelements.type
rekit.logic.gui - package rekit.logic.gui - package
rekit.logic.gui.parallax - package rekit.logic.gui.parallax
rekit.logic.level - package rekit.logic.level
rekit.logic.scene - package rekit.logic.scene
rekit.parser - package rekit.parser
rekit.persistence - package rekit.persistence
rekit.persistence.level - package rekit.persistence.level
rekit.persistence.level.parser - package rekit.persistence.level.parser
rekit.primitives - package rekit.primitives
rekit.primitives.geometry - package rekit.primitives.geometry
rekit.primitives.image - package rekit.primitives.image
rekit.primitives.operable - package rekit.primitives.operable
rekit.primitives.time - package rekit.primitives.time
rekit.util - package rekit.util
rekit.util.container - package rekit.util.container
rekit.util.state - package rekit.util.state
release(int) - Method in interface rekit.gui.InputHelper
This method will invoked when a key is released.
RELEASE - Enum constant in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.InputMethod
Key Released.
removeFilter() - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
removeFilter() - Method in interface rekit.logic.Model
Remove all filters.
removeGuiElement(GuiElement) - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Removes a GuiElement to the GameModel.
removeGuiElement(GuiElement) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
removeItem(MenuItem) - Method in class
Remove an Item.
render(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Method that will be called periodically after being added to a IScene.
render(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
Method that will be called periodically after being added to a IScene.
render(GameGrid) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxLayer
RENDER_DELTA - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
Time in milliseconds to wait after each renderLoop, that refreshes all graphical elements.
renderItem(GameGrid) - Method in class
renderItem(GameGrid) - Method in class
renderItem(GameGrid) - Method in class
Render the Item itself.
renderItem(GameGrid) - Method in class
Render the Item itself.
renderMenu(GameGrid) - Method in class
Renders all items of this menu.
reset() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Level
Reset the level.
reset() - Method in class rekit.primitives.time.Timer
Reset the time.
resetCameraOffset() - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
Reset current camera offset.
restart() - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Restart the scene.
restart() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
resume() - Static method in class rekit.core.GameTime
Resume from pause.
RGBAColor - Class in rekit.primitives.image
This class defines a Color with RGBA channels.
RGBAColor(int) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
Create a color by an int coded ARGB color.
RGBAColor(int, int, int) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
Create a new RGBA Color (Alpha := 255).
RGBAColor(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
Create a new RGBA Color.
RGBAColorParser - Class in rekit.parser
This Parser is used for parsing RGBAColors.
RGBAColorParser() - Constructor for class rekit.parser.RGBAColorParser
right() - Method in class
right() - Method in class
This method will be invoked to indicate an RIGHT request.
right() - Method in class
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuDirection
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Represents the Direction right with the Vector (1|0).
ROContainer<E> - Class in rekit.util.container
This class represents a container or pointer, which can be used to set variables in lambdas and can only set one time to a value not equal to null.
ROContainer() - Constructor for class rekit.util.container.ROContainer
rotate(double) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Rotate this vector relative to (0|0).
rotate(double, Vec) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Rotate this vector relative to a vector.
rotate(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Polygon
Rotate the polygon by angle.
rotate(float, Vec) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Polygon
Rotate the polygon by angle and anchor.
rotation - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
The rotation of the particle.
runDaemon(String, Runnable) - Static method in class rekit.util.ThreadUtils
Run a Runnable as daemon.
runThread(String, Runnable) - Static method in class rekit.util.ThreadUtils
Run a Runnable not a daemon.
RWContainer<E> - Class in rekit.util.container
This class represents a container or pointer, which can be used to set variables in lambdas.
RWContainer() - Constructor for class rekit.util.container.RWContainer


scalar(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Multiplies the vector with a scalar and returns a new Vector.
scalar(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
scalar(float) - Method in interface rekit.primitives.operable.Operable
Apply scalar.
scalar(float, float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Multiplies the vectors x-component and its y-component with separate scalars and returns a new Vector.
scale(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Polygon
Scale this polygon.
scene - Variable in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
The corresponding scene.
scene - Variable in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxLayer
Scenes - Enum Class in rekit.logic.scene
This enum manages all different types of Scenes in the game.
ScoreGui - Class in rekit.logic.gui
This GuiElement realizes a status view of the Player's Score.
ScoreGui(ILevelScene) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.ScoreGui
Create the status view.
SEARCH_PATH - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The search path for dynamically loaded classes; see ReflectUtils.
select() - Method in class
select() - Method in class
Select the Item.
select() - Method in class
SELECT - Enum constant in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuDirection
selected - Variable in class
Indicates whether the item is selected.
set(E) - Method in class rekit.util.container.ROContainer
Set the element.
set(E) - Method in class rekit.util.container.RWContainer
Set the element.
setAlignmentLeft(Vec) - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Set alignment (anchor left).
setAttackHandler(Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
The handler of IScene.attack(boolean).
setAttackHandler(Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
setBossStructure(BossStructure) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
Set the bossroom-structure.
setCameraTarget(CameraTarget) - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Set the camera target.
setCameraTarget(CameraTarget) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
setCanPause(boolean) - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Set whether the game can paused
setCanPause(boolean) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
setColor(RGBAColor) - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Set the color.
setCurrentOffset(float) - Method in class rekit.core.GameGrid
Set the current camera offset (e.g.
setEntityState(EntityState) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.StateEntity
Set the Entities EntitiyState that determines its jump behavior.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
setFilter(Filter) - Method in interface rekit.logic.Model
Set a filter.
setFont(String) - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Set the font.
setFontOptions(int) - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Set the font-options.
setGap(int) - Method in class rekit.logic.level.Structure
Specifies the width of plain floor in game units that will be generated to the right of the Structure upon calling build(int levelX, boolean autoCoinSpawn).
setHeight(int) - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Set the height.
setHover(boolean) - Method in class
Set a hover (e.g.
setIndex(int) - Method in class
Set the index (only when the menu is currently shown).
setInvincible(long) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
Set Player invincible for a time.
setItemSize(Vec) - Method in class
Set the size of Items.
setLives(int) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Entity
Set current lives.
setOffsetWildCard(boolean) - Method in interface rekit.logic.ILevelScene
Set return value of ILevelScene.isOffsetWildCard().
setOffsetWildCard(boolean) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
setOptions(TextOptions) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.Text
Set the text options.
setParent(MenuItem) - Method in class
Set the parent of the MenuItem.
setPause(boolean) - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Set the pause state.
setPause(boolean) - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
setPos(Vec) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Setter for the GameElements absolute position.
setPos(Vec) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
Set the position.
setProperties(Polygon, Vec, long, Progress, Progress, Progress, Progress, Progress, Progress, Progress, Progress) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.Particle
Saves all ProgressDependencies required for the Particle behavior.
setScene(ILevelScene) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Setter for the IScene this GameElement belongs to.
setScene(IScene) - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElementFactory
Set the current scene.
setScene(IScene) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxLayer
setSize(int) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.TextParticle
Setter for the internally used font size.
setSize(int) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.TextParticleSpawner
Sets the text size of the TextParticle.
setSize(Vec) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Set the size of the GameElement.
setTarget(GameElement) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
Set the target of the boss.
setTemporaryAppearance(Consumer<GameGrid>, long) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
Set a temporary renderer for the Player.
setText(String) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.TextParticle
Setter for the internally used TextParticle.text that will be rendered.
setText(String) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.TextParticleSpawner
Sets the text of the TextParticle.
setText(String) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.Text
Set the text.
SETTING - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.parser.TokenType
A normal setting for the level.
SettingKey - Enum Class in rekit.persistence.level
This enum defines all valid settings of a LevelDefinition.
setUseFilter(boolean) - Method in class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Set the usefilter-option.
setVel(Vec) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Setter for the GameElements velocity.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
Set the visibility.
setX(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Sets number to the x-component and returns a new Vector.
setY(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Sets number to the y-component and returns a new Vector.
setZ(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Create a new vector with this x,y values but a new z value.
SHUFFLE - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.SettingKey
Indicates whether the structures can be shuffled (id=shuffle).
shutdown() - Static method in class rekit.core.ShutdownManager
ShutdownManager - Class in rekit.core
The shutdown manager of the system.
sin() - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Calculate the sin of x and y.
SIN - Static variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Coin
The global SIN value for coins.
size - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
The size of the particle.
size - Variable in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
The current size.
sleep(long) - Static method in class rekit.primitives.time.Timer
This method can be used instead of ThreadUtils.sleep(long) if GameTime.pause() shall take effect.
Be careful: If game is paused, this method will cause endless waiting
sleep(long) - Static method in class rekit.util.ThreadUtils
SPACE - Static variable in interface rekit.gui.InputHelper
Key ID Space.
spawn(IScene, Vec) - Method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
Spawn particles in a IScene at a position.
speed - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
The speed of the particle.
STACK_TRACE - Static variable in class
This handler will print a stack trace.
start() - Method in interface rekit.gui.controller.Controller
Start the Controller.
start() - Method in interface rekit.gui.View
Start the view.
start() - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
start() - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Start the scene.
start() - Method in interface rekit.logic.Model
Start the model.
start() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
startBattle() - Method in class rekit.logic.level.BossStructure
Start the battle.
State - Class in rekit.util.state
Abstract State whose concrete implementations that a TimeStateMachine can be in.
State() - Constructor for class rekit.util.state.State
Constructor that initializes the State.timer using State.getTimerTime().
StateEntity - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.entities
This class represents a special kind of Entity, a Entity with inner state.
StateEntity(Vec, Vec, Vec, Team) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.StateEntity
Constructor that initializes attributes and takes a start position.
staticCreate(Vec) - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateBox
Create a new InanimateBox.
staticCreate(Vec) - Static method in class rekit.logic.gameelements.inanimate.InanimateFloor
Static create method that will be used by Inanimate for it in order to decide between InanimateFloor and InanimateBox.
std - Variable in class rekit.core.Team.Range
The standard z-layer.
STOP_ACCEL - Static variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
The player's stop acceleration.
Structure - Class in rekit.logic.level
Represents a collection if GameElements that can be build into a level.
Structure(LevelDefinition, String[][]) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.level.Structure
Create a new Structure by level definition and structure lines.
StructurePart - Class in rekit.logic.level
The structure part of a Level.
sub(Vec) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
sub(RGBAColor) - Method in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
sub(T) - Method in interface rekit.primitives.operable.Operable
Apply subtrahend.
SubMenu - Class in
This class realizes a Menu displaying a list of MenuItems.
SubMenu(IScene, String) - Constructor for class
Create the submenu.
success - Variable in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelData
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.DataKey
Indicates whether the last try was successful.
supervisor - Variable in class rekit.gui.controller.commands.EntityCommand
The corresponding supervisor.
supervisor - Variable in class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuCommand
The supervisor.
SupplierWithException<O> - Interface in
Same as Supplier but with Exception.
switchScene(Function<GameModel, ILevelScene>) - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
Switch to scene with default parameters.
switchScene(Scenes) - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
Switch to scene with default parameters.
switchScene(Scenes, String...) - Method in class rekit.logic.GameModel
Switch to a different Scenes.# The new Scene will be initialized an started immediately.
SYSLOADER - Static variable in class rekit.persistence.ModManager
The system class loader.


target - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Boss
The target of the Boss.
team - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
The Team the GameElement is in that mainly specifies behavior upon collision.
Team - Enum Class in rekit.core
This enum defines all different teams and their relationships.
Team.Range - Class in rekit.core
This class defines a range to define z-layers.
Test - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.LevelType
Type for tests.
Text - Class in rekit.logic.gui
This class realizes a simple GuiElement:
A Text which can be visualized on the view.
Text(IScene, TextOptions) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.Text
Create the text element.
TextItem - Class in
This class realizes a TextField for a Menu.
TextItem(IScene, String) - Constructor for class
Create the MenuItem.
TextOptions - Class in rekit.primitives
This class combines several text options for formatting texts.
TextOptions(Vec, int, RGBAColor, String, int) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Create a TextOption container.
TextOptions(Vec, int, RGBAColor, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.TextOptions
Create a TextOption container.
TextParticle - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.particles
Particle that shows a text, that can be specified via TextParticle.setText(String)
TextParticle() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.TextParticle
Create a TextParticle with standard font.
TextParticle(int) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.TextParticle
Create a TextParticle and set font size.
TextParticleSpawner - Class in rekit.logic.gameelements.particles
A custom implementation of the ParticleSpawner that sets the settings for an internal TextParticle that it can ParticleSpawner.spawn(rekit.logic.IScene, rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec).
TextParticleSpawner() - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.TextParticleSpawner
The constructor that sets the required settings
ThreadUtils - Class in rekit.util
This class contains several methods for a better usability of Threads.
TimeDecorator - Class in rekit.logic.gui
This class can decorate all GuiElements so that they will be deleted after a specific time.
TimeDecorator(IScene, GuiElement, Timer) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.TimeDecorator
Create a TimeDecorator.
timeMax - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
The maximum lifetime.
timeMin - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.particles.ParticleSpawner
The minimum lifetime.
timer - Variable in class rekit.util.state.State
Timer that is used to keep track of how much time this State is remaining before it switches to the next State.
Timer - Class in rekit.primitives.time
Data class that holds an duration time.
Timer(long) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.time.Timer
Create a TimeDependency by duration time.
TimeStateMachine - Class in rekit.util.state
Simple StateMachine that is meant to be extended or decorated to achieve state dependent behavior where every state has a fixed duration.
TimeStateMachine(State) - Constructor for class rekit.util.state.TimeStateMachine
The constructor that initializes the TimeStateMachine with a given initialState.
timeUp() - Method in class rekit.primitives.time.Timer
Indicates whether the time is up.
togglePause() - Method in interface rekit.logic.IScene
Toggle pause for the scene.
togglePause() - Method in class rekit.logic.scene.LevelScene
toImage(AbstractImage) - Static method in class rekit.gui.ImageManagement
Convert AbstractImage to Image.
Token - Class in rekit.persistence.level.parser
This class represents a token for the LevelLanguage.
Token(String) - Constructor for class rekit.persistence.level.parser.Token
This creates a new Token by Value.
Tokenizer - Class in rekit.persistence.level.parser
This class realizes a tokenizer for the LevelLanguage.
Tokenizer(String) - Constructor for class rekit.persistence.level.parser.Tokenizer
Instantiate a new Tokenizer by input string.
TokenType - Enum Class in rekit.persistence.level.parser
This class defines the different TokenTypes which exist in the LevelLanguage.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelData
toString() - Method in class rekit.persistence.level.parser.Token
toString() - Method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.SettingKey
toString() - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Frame
toString() - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
toString() - Method in class rekit.primitives.image.RGBAColor
toString() - Method in class rekit.util.container.ROContainer
toString() - Method in class rekit.util.container.RWContainer
translate2D(float) - Method in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Translate a 3D-Vector to 2D.
TriangulationLayer - Class in rekit.logic.gui.parallax
TriangulationLayer(float) - Constructor for class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.TriangulationLayer
TRIGGER - Enum constant in enum class rekit.core.Team
A trigger.
Tuple2<A,B> - Class in
A simple tuple of two values
Tuple3<A,B,C> - Class in
A simple tuple of three values
Tuple4<A,B,C,D> - Class in
A simple tuple of three values


UnexpectedTokenException - Exception in rekit.persistence.level.parser
The Class UnexpectedTokenExecption.
This exception will thrown when an Unexpected Token reached
UnexpectedTokenException(Token, String) - Constructor for exception rekit.persistence.level.parser.UnexpectedTokenException
Instantiates a new unexpected token execption.
UnexpectedTokenException(Token, TokenType) - Constructor for exception rekit.persistence.level.parser.UnexpectedTokenException
Instantiates a new unexpected token execption.
units2pixel(float) - Static method in class rekit.util.CalcUtil
Units to Pixels.
units2pixel(Vec) - Static method in class rekit.util.CalcUtil
Units to Pixels.
unitsBuilt - Variable in class rekit.logic.level.StructurePart
unselect() - Method in class
Deselect the Item.
unselect() - Method in class
up() - Method in class
This method will be invoked to indicate an UP request.
up() - Method in class
UP - Enum constant in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuDirection
UP - Enum constant in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Represents the Direction up with the Vector (0|-1).
update() - Method in interface rekit.gui.controller.Observer
Will be invoked when the observer shall get it's update.
USER_DATA_DB - Static variable in class rekit.persistence.DirFileDefinitions
The global data file for the LevelManager.


value() - Element in annotation interface rekit.logic.gameelements.type.Group
Get the name of the group.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rekit.core.Team
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.InputMethod
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rekit.logic.Model.GameState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rekit.logic.scene.Scenes
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.DataKey
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.LevelType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.parser.TokenType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.SettingKey
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class rekit.core.Team
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.InputMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class rekit.gui.controller.commands.MenuDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class rekit.logic.Model.GameState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class rekit.logic.scene.Scenes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.DataKey
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.LevelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.parser.TokenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class rekit.persistence.level.SettingKey
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class rekit.primitives.geometry.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
Vec - Class in rekit.primitives.geometry
A three dimensional Vector with operations.
Vec() - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Short-hand constructor that takes the default value (0|0).
Vec(double, double) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Constructor that takes the initial coordinates an saves them.
Vec(float) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Constructor that takes one initial coordinate an saves them as x and y.
Vec(float, float) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Constructor that takes the initial coordinates an saves them.
Vec(float, float, float) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Constructor that takes the initial coordinates an saves them.
Vec(int, int) - Constructor for class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
Constructor that takes the initial coordinates an saves them.
VecParser - Class in rekit.parser
This Parser is used for parsing Vectors.
VecParser() - Constructor for class rekit.parser.VecParser
VERSION - Static variable in class rekit.config.GameConf
The version of the Game.
View - Interface in rekit.gui
This Interface defines the View for the MVC.
visible - Variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.GameElement
Flag that is used to signal if the GameElement is supposed to be rendered or not.
visible - Variable in class rekit.logic.gui.GuiElement
Indicates whether the Element is visible.
VoidFunction - Interface in
VoidFunctionWithException - Interface in
Same as VoidFunction but with Exception.


WALK_ACCEL - Static variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
The player's walk acceleration.
WALK_MAX_SPEED - Static variable in class rekit.logic.gameelements.entities.Player
The player's walk max speed.
WalkCommand - Class in rekit.gui.controller.commands
This EntityCommand will cause a Walk of an Entity.
WalkCommand(CommandSupervisor, Direction) - Constructor for class rekit.gui.controller.commands.WalkCommand
Instantiate the WalkCommand.
width - Variable in class rekit.primitives.image.AbstractImage
The width.
won - Variable in class rekit.persistence.level.LevelData
WON - Enum constant in enum class rekit.persistence.level.DataKey
Indicates whether any try was successful.
wrap(BiFunctionWithException<I1, I2, O>, Consumer<Exception>) - Static method in class
wrap(ConsumerWithException<I>, Consumer<Exception>) - Static method in class
wrap(FunctionWithException<I, O>, Consumer<Exception>) - Static method in class
wrap(SupplierWithException<O>, Consumer<Exception>) - Static method in class
wrap(VoidFunctionWithException, Consumer<Exception>) - Static method in class


x - Variable in class rekit.logic.gui.parallax.ParallaxLayer
x - Variable in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
The x-component of the vector.


y - Variable in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
The y-component of the vector.


z - Variable in class rekit.primitives.geometry.Vec
The optional z-component of the vector.
zRange - Variable in enum class rekit.core.Team
The z-range of this type of Element.
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