Class RGBAColor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Operable<RGBAColor>

@ClassParser(RGBAColorParser.class) public final class RGBAColor extends Object implements Cloneable, Operable<RGBAColor>
This class defines a Color with RGBA channels.
Dominik Fuchss
  • Field Details

    • red

      public final int red
      The red channel.
    • green

      public final int green
      The green channel.
    • blue

      public final int blue
      The blue channel.
    • alpha

      public final int alpha
      The alpha channel.
  • Constructor Details

    • RGBAColor

      public RGBAColor(int r, int g, int b, int a)
      Create a new RGBA Color.
      r - the red channel
      g - the green channel
      b - the blue channel
      a - the alpha channel
    • RGBAColor

      public RGBAColor(int r, int g, int b)
      Create a new RGBA Color (Alpha := 255).
      r - the red channel
      g - the green channel
      b - the blue channel
    • RGBAColor

      public RGBAColor(int color)
      Create a color by an int coded ARGB color.
      color - the ARGB color
  • Method Details